Do you own a property that you need to rent?
Let us help you get the perfect tenant for your property, we have a thorough process of prequalification and selection of tenants which helps us filter the prospects and thus minimize the risks to the owner, as part of the process we check payment history, History of credits and criminal records among others. Contact us today for more information and remember that our consultation is free.
Need a commercial place for your business?
Do you want to rent a commercial space? We will gladly assist you, we have a vast inventory of commercial properties available for rent in the different Miami Dade and Broward areas for all types of businesses.
For more information contact us now, you have nothing to lose remember that our consultation is free, you can contact us via email to Info@RejoiceRealty.com or call us at 305-207-5777 and if you prefer you can fill out the form below and We will be happy to be communicating with you within the next 24 hours. Thank you for choosing us..!